The Naming of the Goat Scouts

Once upon a time..., about three re-orgs back, Section 348's charter was the Command and Data Subsystem. At that time the "Cosmic Debris" represented the section in the "C" league division of JPL softball. The team consisted primarily of software engineers. Dave Reed, Carl Steiner and Michele Bell decided to organize a hardware counterpart. So, in the spring of '86 we started recruiting people within the section. We had some heavy hitters including the Section Manager and Chief Engineer. It was a nice way to socialize and take out some aggression at the same time.

The task of coming up with a name was serendipitous. Dave was known to refer to EVERYONE as a goat. Samples of his dialogue include; "You're such a goat!", "Don't be a goat!", "What a flaming goat!" and occasional bleating. Dave's nickname was "El Chivo" which means "The Goat". We struggled to come up with a name for the team but couldn't decide. One day Dave was searching through his desk for something and Carl spotted a small camping utensil that fanned out to a spoon, fork and knife. The sheath on the utensil had a "GS" logo on it, the kind you see on boxes of thin mint cookies. The natural question was "Is that your Goat Scout knife?" and hence, a name was born. We did toss around "The Flaming Goats from Hell" but decided against it.

The team has been together since 1986; we took a one-year break in 1999 because of the difficulty fielding a team. Although the Cosmic Debris folded, we still have some longtime rivals, which include the Homers and Voodoo Toad Fury. Now our challenge is the young studs known as the K.I.D.S., this is not a problem though, because KIDS are just baby Goats after all!