Humor 2011

May 3, 2011 Game RSVPs

May 2, 1011


As I was going through my schedule this week I realized that I have 3 year Marriage Anniversay Dinner w/ my wife tomorrow (when you guys are having your softball game), therefore, won't be able to make it to the game. :( I was hoping to whack some balls out of the field... What a bummer..


May 2, 2011


Priorities! ... And, you are out the 2-year probation period! You saw "Les Mis" didn't you? You are now officially the "Master of The House"! You say what goes!

Besides, nothing get's a woman all lathered up like seeing her man in combat (i.e. game). If you bring her to the game she'll gladly wait for her romantic dinner.

Trust me, I've got 21 years of experience with this stuff!

What could go wrong? :)


May 2, 2011

Wow! It really seems to me that if this little dinner is so important to her then your marriage is already in trouble...

You've probably noticed that we've got several eligible bachelorettes on the team. Maybe literally playing the field is where your attention should be.

Just saying...


(Dave Herman)

May 2, 2011

That's the reason I'm trying to save the marriage by taking her to a nice dinner~! Gotta keep the wife happy to keep my life happy too... :O No?

I did notice that there are several eligible bachelorettes... does that mean when the birds of the feather flock together... I'll be single too?! Just asking ;.)


May 2, 2011


Whoa there! You really are in trouble! The correct response is "Really? I hadn't noticed." Your lawyers, when you get them, will advise you to never admit anything (without their approval).

Oh, man! You might as well play now...


Caught Playing Hooky

July 13, 2011

Wait, why am I carrying the equipment bag?


July 13, 2011


Because you were the only Rookie not in attendance at the Opening Game. (Kinda like a beer frame in bowling...)


July 19, 2011 Game RSVPs

July 18, 2011


We have home colors?


July 18, 2011


Our unofficial "home" color is the burnt orange, and our unofficial "away" color is the tan. (Gee, it was so much simpler when we only had ONE color.) If you didn't pop for one of the new t-shirts, anything in the visible spectrum will suffice. I won't mention anything about Invisible Shirt Day...

And in other news ... did your recruit buy a glove yet?
